healthy desserts,

The health benefits of raisins or dried grapes so-called

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The health benefits of raisins or so-called

grapes dried health benefits of raisins or so-called grapes dried longer raisins or dried grapes of the necessary foods in body building and many health benefits: See fillets with vegetables to the diet balanced first:

facilitates the process of digestion: Raisins has the ability Amassas in the water and in order to fit on the fiber so as to facilitate the process of digestion and relieves constipation and works to remove toxins from the digestive tract.


Teeth strengthens and prevents cavities and keeps the mouth prevents tooth decay and strengthens and prevents the growth of harmful Bakatrella and that it contains acid (Oleanolic) Unlike sweets and that Halla negative effect on the teeth III gives the body the necessary energy is Raisins are among foods containing a large proportion of calories necessary for the body because it contains fructose and glucose, which is one of the most important sugars especially for practitioners of the sport and enhances the vitamins, proteins and nutrients in the human body Fourth, help strengthen bones is raisin snacks good for women that are recommended taking it in middle-aged period, so that the calcium content by Ali helps prevent osteoporosis V.

reduces the acidity in the stomach thanks to the element potassium and magnesium that contains it helps raisins to reduce the acidity in the stomach VI limits from cancer by Albonivolak antioxidant provides raisins Protection against free radicals that cause tumors and cancer cells, especially colon cancer Seventh:

protects eyes raisins contains a substance (polyphenols) antioxidant which protects the eyes from free radicals harmful causing cataracts, and macular degeneration and the blind and all visual disturbances VIII treated anemia available Raisins on elemental iron and copper are necessary in the formation of red blood cells, and correct anemia caused by iron deficiency in the body the health benefits of raisins or dried grapes so-called